Valentines‘s Day Special: Couple Yoga

Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you! Join this Special class with your loved ones. Practice together on this special day!

This special Duo yoga class should be considered as a complementary therapy or alternative method for medical therapy in the treatment of stress, anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders as it has been shown to create a greater sense of well-being, increase feelings of relaxation, improve self-confidence and body image, improve efficiency, better interpersonal relationships, increase attentiveness, lower irritability, and encourage an optimistic outlook on life.

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Valentines‘s Day Special: Couple Yoga

Valentines‘s Day Special: Couple Yoga

DURATION 46:56 minutes
STYLE Special Class: Duo Yoga Therapeutic
LEVEL Level 1
LANGUAGE Cantonese
46:56 minutes
Level 1
Special Class: Duo Yoga Therapeutic

Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you! Join this Special class with your loved ones. Practice together on this special day!

This special Duo yoga class should be considered as a complementary therapy or alternative method for medical therapy in the treatment of stress, anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders as it has been shown to create a greater sense of well-being, increase feelings of relaxation, improve self-confidence and body image, improve efficiency, better interpersonal relationships, increase attentiveness, lower irritability, and encourage an optimistic outlook on life.


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