

Lucas Li

Lucas Li

上海環貿商場, 上海市, 香港


A coach does two things: teach and practise. First, teaching. Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire. Lucas believes that everyone is full of wisdom and charm. He wants to ensure that fitness is simple and fun, thus helping clients to awaken their potential, enhance their confidence and achieve positive changes. Number two: Training. Coaches are not athletes but must try a variety of sports and training systems that can bring a rich sense of the world of fitness to their clients. While a single workout may leave you fatigued, a long-term workout plan with data monitoring can lead to achievement of your fitness goals. With evidence-based training rooted in science and research plus practical training based on experience, Lucas will give provide you with a complete programme that’s right for you right now. Qualification Highlights: • THE EXOS PERFORMANCE SPECIALIST (EXOS XPS) /2/3 • 美国体能协会肌力体能训练专家认证 NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialists (CSCS) • TBI P-PS 图德邦帕学院周期运动训练计划 TBI P - PS Figure and Gravels Palmer College of Periodic Motion Training Plan • 青少年体能训练认证 Michael Johnson Performance (MJP) Adolescent Physical training Certification • Mike Boyle Strength & Conditioning (MBSC) Certified Functional Strength Coach (CFSC) 2 • 功能动作筛查/基础体能筛查 FMS1 & 2 Functional Movement Systems (FMS) 1&2 • IFBB 国际健美协会 运动营养师认证 IFBB Bodybuilding Association Sports Nutritionists International Certification • ACE 美国运动委员会 私人教练认证 ACE Campaign Committee Personal Trainer Certification in the United States • SOMA骨筋膜放松术 SOMA bone fascia to relax • TRX STC/RIP TRX on STC/RIP • PTA Global 引导力级别一认证 PTA Global guide force level one certification • PTA Global 私人教练认证 PTA Global ProPT certification Final Thought: There are effective science-based shortcuts to fitness. But there are no special crash courses or magical armour, let alone magic tricks. I will keep trying to help you, but you need to keep up the regular effort and commitment to working out. What Lucas Trains • Endurance Sport (running/triathlon etc) • Metabolic Specialist (weight loss/gain) • Speed, Agility, Quickness • Strongman/ Strength Sport • Weightlifting