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Ceci Lam

Ceci Lam


Little did Ceci know a casual yoga class back in 2009 would eventually lead to a teaching career. An active girl all her life, she felt like a fish out of water working in front of a computer at a securities firm, until one day, when her natural flexibility finally came in handy and she felt she really shone on the mat. Yoga has transformed her life on both the physical and mental levels, but most importantly, she has a much more balanced lifestyle now. Wishing to deepen her knowledge, Ceci enrolled on a teacher training programme with Frances Gairns and felt beyond a shadow of a doubt that teaching yoga is after all what she wanted to do. She is deeply grateful to Frances for teaching her to be a positive person and a dedicated instructor, she is proud to say she now teaches with zest and positivity which are characteristic of Frances' classes. Ceci also owes her teaching skills and confidence in the classroom to Almen Wong, for having taken her up as a mentee. During her mentoring programme, Ceci has learnt to lighten the atmosphere of the classroom so her students feel more at ease and open to new growth. Ceci teaches an energetic practice of hatha yoga. She believes "You cannot always control what goes on outside, but you can always control what goes on inside" so her teachings revolve around the theme of developing mental strength on the mat so we stay calm while riding the waves of life. What Ceci teaches • Hatha • Healing • Hot • Vinyasa