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Lucas Zhu

Lucas Zhu

SH iapm mall, Shanghai, Hong Kong


Lucas is from Northern China. He is an optimistic person with an infectious personality. He moved to Shanghai in 2017 and became a Les Mills Presenter in 2018. He specialises in teaching Les Mills classes and has participated in master class presentations for Les Mills LIVE, WIF, FIBO and other categories. He extends his presence by being an ambassador for lululemon. As an instructor, he hopes his passion on stage will influence more people to stay active and maintain healthy lifestyles and exercise habits. Qualification Highlights •Les Mills Certified in: •Strength Development™ •LESMILLS DANCE™ •BODYATTACK™ •BODYBALANCE™ •BODYCOMBAT™ •BODYJAM™ •BODYSTEP™ •CORE™ •GRIT™ •RPM™ •SH'BAM™ •THE TRIP™ •Pilates Reformer普拉提核心床 •莱美中国BODYATTACK™、BODYSTEP™、BODYJAM™官方签约展示者 •lululemon品牌大使 Personal Interests •Training •Dancing What Lucas Teaches •Strength Development •BODYATTACK •BODYBALANCE •BODYCOMBAT •BODYJAM •GRIT •RPM •TRIP

Lucas Zhu's Classes