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Wilson Wong

Wilson Wong

Kinwick Centre, Central, Hong Kong

Since he was little, Wilson has always been into sports. He fell in love with playing basketball in primary school and joined the team during secondary school, playing competitively for 6 years. To enhance his physical abilities for basketball, Wilson started lifting weights – and so began his love affair with weight training. The more time and effort he put in, the more progress he witnessed in changing his body. Ultimately, Wilson wants to share his passion and knowledge with others and guide them towards a healthier and happier life. Qualification Highlights: • Level 1 Coaching Certificate – Hong Kong China Bodybuilding and Fitness Association (HKCBBA) • 2022 Hong Kong Natural Bodybuilding & Fitness (HKNBF) Classic 5th Final Thought: If you’re afraid to fail, then you’re probably going to fail. What Wilson Trains • Body-Building/ Figure Competition • Metabolic Specialist (weight loss/gain) • Weightlifting