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Mason Ma

Mason Ma

One Taikoo Place, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong

Mason has been a sports enthusiast since he was young with a particular interest in football. But that wasn’t enough to get him in shape until he started resistance training. He fell in love with it immediately because of the positive changes in his appearance, physique and sports performance, which gave him more confidence on and off the pitch. Training became his daily routine – and obsession. His first step into the gym was the best decision he has ever made. Mason believes that training is a miracle drug that makes people stronger, healthier and happier. He is determined to help clients unleash their full potential, enjoy every step of the process, and be the best version of themselves. Qualification Highlights: • B.Sc. (Hons) in Exercise Science and Health Education (CUHK) • International Personal Fitness Trainer Certificate Course (IPTA) • Certified Functional Strength Coach Level 1 (MBSC) • Sports Massage Certification (AASFP) • Physical Fitness Foundation Certification (HKPFA) • Stick Mobility Certification One • Certified in CPR, AED, First Aid Final Thought Exercise is NOT a punishment, but a reward — improving the way you move, feel and perform. What Mason Trains • Body-Building/ Figure Competition • Endurance Sport (running/triathlon etc) • Metabolic Specialist (weight loss/gain) • Prehab / Post Injury • ProStretchRecovery • Speed, Agility, Quickness