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Lisa Jia

Lisa Jia

Shanghai Taikoo Hui, Shanghai, Hong Kong

Lisa is well-experienced in training different people. She once helped someone go from 74kg to a healthy weight of 56kg. From the road of barely healthy to being healthy, from losing the fat to toning the muscles and glutes – every drop of sweat brings success. For Lisa, exercise and fitness is happiness. The dopamine released during exercise leads us to a healthier and happier body and mind, which leads to a better and brighter future. 资格认证: • 美国运动委员会ACE认证 • Onefit FTI功能性训练认证 • ARCA被动式拉伸 • 健身教练国家职业认证 • PTA Global Certified ProPT /PTAG国际私人教练认证 个人格言: 有健康才有未来,不断学习提高专业,用专业提高生活。 What Lisa Trains • Metabolic Specialist (weight loss/gain) • Private Stretch