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Zoe Fan

Zoe Fan

BJ WF Central, Beijing, Hong Kong


Sitting in the 798 Art Design Publishing Office for book design a few years ago, Zoe never thought that life would change dramatically in the next few years to come. One day she dragged her body that sat in front of the computer daily and walked into a yoga classroom. In a short 60-min class, she entered another world where not only her stiff neck and waist felt relaxed, but she seemed to be free from annoyance and returned to the ease and joy of childhood. After that class, she immediately took a yoga teacher training. Six months later, she walked into the Acro Vinyasa yoga classroom of Australian couple of Honza and Claudine – who was pregnant and doing amazing moves with the help of her husband. As a sunny, courageous, adorable and attractive pregnant mother, Honza’s confidence was the kind of energy that radiated love. Since then, Zoe has participated in different teacher trainings and workshops by various yoga teachers, leveraging her art design background and photographing those sessions – her work has been published twice in Yoga Journal. More importantly, she has never restricted herself to any genre of learning and chooses all forms of exercise that benefit the body. From Matthew Cohen, she learned Yoga Ortho-Aid, Tai Chi and BaGua palm. She learned Liquid Flow from Simon Park, who practised Astanga and Iyengar. She also began CrossFit as well as Flow Yoga after meeting Dice Lida-Klein, which exposed her to a new world of training using one’s own body weight. When she met Dario, she was completely shocked – his practice was a perfect combination of visual art, music rhythm, yoga postures, and breathing and flowing meditation. As Matthew Cohen says – the body is like a container of memory. What you have experienced may not be remembered by the brain but will be remembered by the body. The body is the most honest recorder and therefore a unique entity. The yoga teacher is an observer of every individual body “container”, using the body to try, explore and feel. To feel love, to breathe happiness, and to live with curiosity is indeed the lifelong homework of all bodies. QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS • 200-hr All Yoga Teacher Certification • 150-hr Sacred Energy Art workshop with Matthew Cohen, USA • 100-hr Liquid Flow Learning with Simon Park, USA • 54-hr Navakarana workshop with Dario Calvaruso, Italy • 30-hr Acrovinyasa workshop with Mr. Honza & Claudine Lafond, Australia • 30-hr Acroyoga workshop with Marc Bauchet, France • Restorative Yoga Level 1 with Judith Hanson, USA • Fly Yoga Level 1 Teacher Training • CrossFit Level 1 Teacher Training • Animal Flow Level 1 WHAT ZOE TEACHES Aerial yoga Core Hatha Hot Vinyasa Yin Yin Yang Yoga therapy