

Lucy Li

Lucy Li

上海環貿商場, 上海市, 香港

Lucy was a national team alpine skier and is also adept in diving and marathon running. She has a bachelor's degree in Science and Technology, majoring in social sports guidance and management and specialising in fitness. As a goal-oriented and energetic personal fitness trainer, Lucy can ignite the passion of her clients through her commitment and encouragement. She is proud to be an assertive fitness trainer who can help clients of all fitness levels to achieve optimal quality of life. She firmly believes that health is a conscious lifestyle choice for longevity and happiness. Lucy loves being an advocate of this and helping her clients to stay fit and calm. Qualification Highlights: • Certified Stretching Instructor, Rehabilitation & Conditioning Academy (ARCA) 亚洲康复体能学院被动式拉伸认证 • PTA Global Certified Personal Trainer - PTA Global 教练认证 • Happy Mammy Pre- & Post-Natal Fitness - 海培妈咪产前产后认证 • National Vocation Intermediate Fitness Coach - 国家职业健身教练中级 • EPTC极速减脂课程 • TRX 国际认证 • Trigger Point 国际认证 • AMB国际认证 • 全国健身精英挑战赛第三名 Final Thought: It is not the size of a man but the size of his heart that matters What Lucy Trains • Endurance Sport (running/triathlon etc) • Metabolic Specialist (weight loss/gain) • Pre-Post Natal • Private Stretch • Endurance Sport (running/triathlon etc) • Metabolic Specialist (weight loss/gain) • Pre-Post Natal • Private Stretch