

我们相信运动的力量,能让所有人的生活更愉快丶健康及平衡。PURE ONLINE的存在,就是让一些经常外游丶居所或职场远离瑜伽中心/健身中心很远,或未能抽空上课的人士而设。在大家互相支持和鼓励下,保持有效和恒常的锻炼。无论对初学者或资深瑜伽士而言,PURE ONLINE可让您随时丶随地丶随心练习,迈向新里程。


PURE Online is a bilingual English-Chinese online video platform to support and grow the global workout community. Browse the comprehensive range of content available – from classes to series in varied styles, levels and duration. But discover more than just a class with teacher stories or video diaries that form the ‘personality’ of yoga. It’s not about repeating the same practice day after day or attaining a ‘perfect pose’. It is the delicious excitement of trying something new. The optimism to laugh and find pleasure even when you just can’t reach that final inch. The faith that with tomorrow comes the potential of something different and even better. The choice to connect with as many or as few other people as you’d like –but always remembering to connect with yourself.